2025 Meeting Dates
All Downtown Denville Board Meetings are open to the public. Each meeting conducted by the Downtown Denville BID executive board will have an “open public comment” section. Board Work Sessions are meetings where the board works through topics and discussions. They are open to the public and also have an “open public comment” portion. However, it is the discretion of the Board Chair on how much active comment and communication the public will discourse with the discussion. Minutes are recorded for all meetings. Upon approval of those minutes at a following meeting, they will also be posted here.
Special Meetings that are added will be noticed to the public with 48 hours notice via our website, notification to Citizen Newspaper, Posting at Denville Town hall, and our social media channels.
BID Board Meetings are held at Town Hall at 7pm.
2025 Downtown Denville Board Meeting Dates are as follows:
- Jan 30th
- Feb 27th
- Mar 27th
- Apr 24th
- May 29th
- June 26th
- July 31st
- Aug 28th
- Sept 25th
- Oct 30th
- Nov. TBD
- Dec TBD
Who We Are
The Downtown Denville Business Improvement District (Downtown Denville BID) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization designated by Denville Township ordinance . It was formed to advise and assist the Township of Denville in planning and promoting the economic development and improvement of the area designated as the Downtown Denville Business Improvement District.