Downtown Denville Business Resources
Getting Started
Are you located in our Downtown Denville District? We’ve got a wealth of resources for Downtown Denville Business Owners (within the district boundaries). Please email us with the subject “Biz Kit” to receive our welcome kit, Denville background, and new business owner information.
Restaurants may find the following documents useful:
Marketing Tools
Use Google My Business to make sure you are listed on Google. This enables you to register your address, phone number, and website with the search engine.
As well, Google has great tools that help you maximize your website, use tools to connect your employees, and continued education about how to best market your product. Check out Grow with Google For Local Businesses.
Downtown Denville invests in many marketing tactics like digital ads, program guides, extensive social media sharing, and more. Make sure you are on our business email list to stay up to date on our events and posts so we can include your business. Add our email address to your contact list to ensure you don’t miss any messages.
Social Media
Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram and use #downtowndenville in your posts so we can share them with our network. We actively follow our district businesses on social media and if you are posting about exciting news, great imagery, or something else appealing, we will repost when we can. When posting to your Instagram, please feel free to tag the Downtown Denville Account. You may also opt to “Collaborate” on a post! Though we will do this much more sparingly, when appropriate, we love the opportunity to Co-Brand a post and include it on our Main Feed.
Keep in mind that our focus is the Downtown Denville Business Improvement District so we can only post about our businesses within the district or activities that potentially attract to our district. Please also note that we have many social requests per day and cannot repost every tag, or accept every collaboration we receive.
Don’t know what any of those terms mean? Email to learn how to find these options and alert us to your posts!
Community Facebook Groups
Downtown Denville Biz Owners – Facebook group just for business owners within our district. It’s an area for property and business owners to share, discuss, connect and more
Denville Business to Business – Facebook group that contains business owners throughout all of Denville
Denville Business Owners & Residents – Facebook group for all Denville residents and business owners
Other Resources
Denville Public School District Calendar
Know when community families are off from school, or when children may be walking around town due to half-days). Consider featuring family options , advertising specials for young shoppers, or having additional staff to handle excited young patrons.
Parking Map for your customers
Encourage customers to find the best places to park and keep them informed of the time allotments.
Morris County Economic Development
A wealth of County resources!