Classic Car Show
Friday June 25, 5:30-9pm
Sponsored by Provident Bank
Come see all the great classic cars parked throughout our downtown. Shop our stores, dine our restaurants and stroll along our manicured sidewalks listening to the hits spun by the Golden GUP playing music from the 50s throughout today. Register Your Car Today

Downtown Denville After Dark & Block Party
Friday July 30, 5:30-9pm
Enjoy more great outdoor shopping and dining on Downtown Denville’s main strip, but this event is even better as it kicks off the coveted weeks that our stores feature sidewalk sales and promotions. Enjoy the summer vibe with live music, summer activities, and more.

Downtown Denville After Dark
Sponsored by Saint Francis Residential Community
Friday August 13, 5:30-9pm
Shop and Dine along Broadway—we’ll close the street off to cars and you can enjoy live music, eat outside, and support our stores.

Sidewalk Specials & Sales
Thursday, July 29-Saturday, July 31
Our stores come alive with sidewalk specials and sales!

National Night Out with the Denville Police Department
Tuesday, August 3
The Denville Police Department will be holding their National Night Out right in Downtown Denville and we’ll open our streets to various displays, activities and great opportunities for our community to come together with our local law enforcement.