Once the Executive Order and state shutdowns began, all of us were scrambling as business owners and professionals. As a District, we started sharing resources as soon as they became available, and more as we learned about them.
COVID-19 Resources
We put in place a regularly updated section of our website specifically for every available resource from the state, county, and more, in addition to holding several public Zoom meetings.
Promoting Available Businesses
In addition to actively promoting on social media, we shared whatever essential businesses and eateries were offering during this time.
Logistic Support
We logistically supported a citizen-generated GoFundMe campaign, Denville Strong, that was organized to purchase meals, products and services from local Denville businesses and, in turn, provide those products and services to front-line workers, volunteers and first responders. Our office administrator was essential in lining up interested businesses to make purchases from and coordinating those efforts.
Relief Fund
We launched a Downtown Denville Relief Fund to hopefully raise enough money to provide grant relief for some of our businesses. Additional portions of the fund will also help support some of the accommodations we will make and provide for heavy promotion to get people back into downtown once we fully re-open. The grant application process will begin shortly and will be distributed by an independent sub-committee with a detailed application review.
Restructuring the Organization
The financial impact of the global pandemic has affected us all. Our 3 strategic imperatives have always been focused on promoting commerce in the downtown, recruiting the right businesses to our district and funding to support both of those. The administrative and coordination of those strategies were orchestrated by our full-time Executive Director, Ryan Gleason. Ryan was instrumental in setting up our organization and providing the building blocks for future success, but we are unable to maintain that full-time position. Instead our resources and finances need to solely focus on immediate support for our businesses now with marketing efforts, relief efforts, re-opening accommodations and continued investment in our downtown experience. Ryan is working closely with us to transition to this new phase. Additionally, the Downtown Denville Business Improvement District’s Board of Directors, all of which are district business owners and volunteers, are dedicating tremendous effort and time fulfilling many responsibilities.
As always, our Board of Directors, our volunteers, and our downtown businesses remain committed to continue moving our community forward to maintain its vibrant foothold as a popular Morris County go-to destination.